Subjects to Study: A Look at Renewable Energy

Future of Work

When you talk about climate change, fossil fuels form an integral part of that conversation. It is clear that fossil fuels will not last forever.

This is why focused efforts are being put into helping in the transition away from fossil fuels towards greener sources of energy. Today, we take a look at what renewable energy means and the different career opportunities the field offers.

Table of contents:

  • Renewable energy – the way forward?
  • Career in renewable energy – options to consider

Renewable energy - the way forward?

Today, our world is “powered” by technology. But in the most literal sense, we still depend on age-old methods to generate enough power to sustain the needs of every individual on the planet. How long these old practices can satiate all of our energy needs, in the long run, is anyone’s guess at the moment. Not only are we depleting our energy sources, but we are also harming our environment through the constant abuse of such sources that include natural gas and coal. This is where renewable energy sources come into play. These sources are safer, widely available, and the most viable alternatives to our current energy crises. Although the number of renewable energy sources are rising, it isn’t even remotely close to the energy demand that is only going upward.

The use of renewable energy sources has increased across the years with many countries making use of wind, hydro, solar photovoltaic (PV), and bioenergy sources for electricity production, transportation, and industrial applications. Overall, the amount of energy generated from renewable sources is set to increase in the next few years. This opens up a plethora of options for those looking to build a career in the renewable energy sector.

Career in renewable energy - options to consider

With a vast number of jobs set to be created with the increase in demand for renewable energy, the options are also numerous. We have listed a few career options for those willing to explore the field of renewable energy.

Green engineering
Green engineering is an umbrella term used to encompass various specialities including green building engineering, energy systems engineering, and renewable energy engineering among others. Some of the common tasks include.

  • Designing renewable energy systems
  • Optimizing energy systems
  • Energy procurement
  • Build energy efficient structures
  • Managing energy distribution and storage
  • Analysing environmental impact

Sustainable farming
Sustainable farming aims to reduce energy consumption and the production of agricultural waste. It also helps to convert agricultural byproducts into biofuel. Sustainable agriculture also focuses on minimizing inorganic farming practices.

Wind and marine energy specialists
Wind and water are two of the most important sources of sustainable energy. One could research how these sources can be converted into different forms of energy, design and develop structures that help in harnessing energy, research on wind farms, or even work on the installation and repair of components.

This includes scientific roles such as geo scientist, nuclear scientist, resource scientists, atmospheric scientists, computer scientists, environmental scientists and renewable energy scientists.

Architecture and design
Architecture and design is a field that helps to fit sources of green energy into our daily lives seamlessly. By being able to design    structures that have high energy efficiency rates and reduced energy consumption, we can prevent energy wastage to a large          extent. Designing structures that enhance natural light, and making use of solar energy to power homes (Elon Musk’s solar roof are a couple of examples.

Other important roles that are expected to see a huge increase in demand include operators, technicians, structural engineers, power-line installers, software developers, and civil engineers.

See also what is environmental science.

Date added

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Future of Work


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