How To Get Into Insead As An Indian Student? [2023]

“How to get into INSEAD as an Indian student in 2023?” is a question that demands thorough understanding and strategic foresight. INSEAD, embodying its credo ‘The Business School for the World’, fosters an educational ecosystem enriched by students from 175 nations, amassing over 60,000 alumni.

The pathway to entering this reputed B-school requires strong leadership qualities, an international mindset, and a commitment to positively impacting society. Indian students, with their diverse cultural backgrounds and business ingenuity, can harness these attributes to their advantage.

While the average GMAT score of successful applicants is around 709, ranging between 670 and 750, this numerical score is merely one facet of your application.

Let’s unpack the answer to “How to get into INSEAD?” and understand the detailed roadmap to navigate the demanding and rewarding journey towards admission to one of the world’s leading business schools.

Why study at Insead as an Indian Student?

The aspiration to join INSEAD’s illustrious MBA programme, known for its extraordinary global impact, is a driving force for many ambitious Indian students. Here are some key reasons why you must pursue your MBA at INSEAD.

Global Recognition and Impact:

INSEAD’s programmes are consistently recognised for their quality and impact. According to QS World Rankings 2023, INSEAD’s MBA programme ranks 9th globally. This rank is reflective of the stellar career outcomes its graduates often achieve. Moreover, the unique pedagogical approach at this college equips students to adapt and lead in a dynamically evolving global business landscape.

Diverse Peer Learning Opportunities:

Learning is not confined to lectures and assignments. The cohort is a microcosm of the global business environment, offering unparalleled peer learning opportunities and international experiences. In 2023, the MBA programme boasts representation from over 90 nationalities, making the university a melting pot of diverse cultural and professional perspectives.

Career Advancements:

INSEAD is renowned for catapulting its student’s careers to new heights. The Career Development Centre facilitates connections with top global recruiters. 94% of the class of 2022 received placements within three months of graduation, reflecting the powerful post-MBA career trajectory,

Emphasis on Leadership Development:

INSEAD’s curriculum places a significant emphasis on personal leadership development. Their Leadership Development Programme offers coaching, team experience, and psychometric evaluations, equipping students with the tools to become impactful leaders.

Unrivalled Alumni Network:

Graduating from INSEAD means accessing a network of over 60,000 alumni from 175 countries. This network can open doors to opportunities worldwide, offering lifelong learning and collaboration potential with leaders and global entrepreneurs.

Career Progression After an INSEAD MBA:

The INSEAD MBA is not just an academic programme – it’s a career-defining choice. As per the Financial Times MBA Ranking Data 2022, an INSEAD MBA paves the way for significant career progression.

Key Benefits of Studying at INSEAD:

  • Consistently high global rankings: 9th globally as per QS World Rankings 2023.
  • Vibrant diversity: Over 90 nationalities are represented in the MBA class of 2023.
  • Strong employment outcomes: 92% of the 2022 class employed within 3 months post-graduation.
  • Personalised leadership development: Unique Leadership Development Programme.
  • Global alumni network: Access to a network of 60,000+ alumni from 175 countries.

Choosing to study at INSEAD Europe or Singapore is an investment in a global perspective, leadership development, and career advancement. For Indian students, it offers an opportunity to connect with an international community, learn from diverse viewpoints, and leave a distinct mark on the global business landscape.

How much does it cost to Study at Insead University for Indian Students?

For prospective Indian students, understanding the complete financial picture is crucial in making an informed decision. Here are the key costs associated with studying at INSEAD:

Tuition Fee:

The academic tuition for the MBA programme for the year 2023 is €87,000. This tuition fee covers all coursework, teaching materials, and most academic service support.


Accommodation costs can vary significantly depending on personal preferences and lifestyle. On average, students should budget around €1,000 per month for housing, though this can range from €800 to €1,200 depending on the location you choose to live in.

Living Expenses:

Living costs in Fontainebleau and Singapore (the two campuses of INSEAD) are considerably high. An estimated monthly budget for meals, utility bills, insurance, and personal expenses is about €1,000 – €1,500.

Books and Materials:

Students should budget approximately €300 per academic year for textbooks and other study materials for their regular classes and electives.

Health Insurance:

INSEAD requires students to maintain health insurance throughout their tenure at the university. The yearly health insurance cost is approximately €800.

Visa Fee:

For Indian students, the student visa fee for France is approximately €50. The visa fee for Singapore can vary, but it typically ranges from SGD $30 to SGD $100.


Travel costs will vary depending on the student’s location and frequency of travel. On average, students can expect to budget €1,000 – €2,000 per year for travel expenses.

What are the Eligibility Criteria

INSEAD MBA application is competitive and each programme has specific requirements as well as common themes such as academic prowess, professional experience, and international outlook. Here is an overview of the eligibility criteria for INSEAD’s flagship graduate and postgraduate programmes.

MBA Programme:

  • Academic Qualifications: An undergraduate degree from a recognised university is a must. INSEAD evaluates your academic performance, the rigour of your previous studies, and any post-graduate or professional qualifications you may hold.
  • Professional Experience: Full-time work experience of at least two years is required. However, the average work experience of INSEAD MBA students is usually much higher.
  • GMAT/GRE/GPA Score: A competitive GMAT or GRE score is necessary. For the class of 2023, the average GMAT score ranged from 670 to 750.
  • Language Proficiency: Proficiency in English is mandatory. Additionally, knowledge of a second language is required at the time of application, and a basic understanding of a third language is required by graduation.

Executive MBA Programme:

  • Academic Qualifications: A bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a recognised university.
  • Professional Experience: Having a minimum of 10 years of work experience is mandatory, with preference given to those with managerial experience.
  • Leadership Potential: International students must demonstrate strong leadership potential and a clear career progression.
  • International Outlook: Candidates should exhibit a global mindset for this one-year MBA, having worked in international settings or dealt with international business issues.

PhD Programme:

  • Academic Qualifications: A Master’s degree is required. However, exceptional candidates with a Bachelor’s degree may also be considered.
  • GMAT/GRE Score: A strong GMAT or GRE score is needed. The average GMAT score is 710 for admissions.
  • Research Aptitude: Candidates must demonstrate a strong interest and ability in research.

The eligibility criteria set by INSEAD reflect its commitment to fostering a diverse, experienced, and intellectually curious student body. Prospective students should carefully evaluate these criteria when considering their application to ensure they meet INSEAD’s expectations.

INSEAD Admission Criteria and Application Process

Choosing to embark on the journey to INSEAD entails understanding what the school offers and knowing the expectations and requirements for admission. INSEAD seeks individuals who will contribute to the school both academically and personally while enriching the learning experience of fellow students.

Admission Criteria:

INSEAD looks for candidates with the following key traits:

  • Leadership Potential: Candidates must demonstrate leadership potential through professional and personal experiences. This includes motivating others, resolving conflicts, and making impactful decisions.
  • International Motivation: INSEAD values a cosmopolitan mindset. Candidates with international exposure, language skills, and the ability to adapt to new environments are highly appreciated.
  • Academic Capacity: As the academic rigour at INSEAD is intense, candidates must demonstrate their ability to cope with the demand. This is often assessed through GMAT/GRE scores and academic performance.
  • Ability to Contribute: Candidates should have the willingness and ability for contributing to the INSEAD experience, adding value to peer learning, group activities, and multicultural understanding.

Application Process:

Navigating the application process can be streamlined by following these steps:

  • Online Application Form: It is the first step towards joining Insead, which includes providing personal information, academic history, and employment history.
  • Submission of Test Scores: Submit GMAT or GRE score. As of 2023, the average GMAT score for admitted students is around 709. Additionally, international applicants may be required to submit English language test scores such as TOEFL, PTE etc.
  • Application Essays: Candidates must submit an MBA essay that provides insights into their career aspirations and reasons for choosing INSEAD.
  • Recommendation Letters: There is a requirement for two recommendation letters, preferably from current or past employers.
  • Interviews: Shortlisted applicants are invited for two interviews, usually conducted by INSEAD alumni. International students typically have video interviews.
  • Final Decision: Successful candidates will receive an offer from INSEAD, typically 2 to 3 weeks after the interviews.

The INSEAD admissions process aims to select individuals not just academically capable but also bring diverse experiences and perspectives.

Top Tips to Secure Admission to INSEAD:

Insights from Successful Applicants

Your INSEAD application allows the admissions office to gain insight into your academic background, professional experience, leadership potential, and personal motivations. Here are some of the top tips to secure INSEAD MBA admissions, providing you with a strategic roadmap to enhance your chances of joining this prestigious institution.

Convey Authenticity:

INSEAD is interested in understanding your identity beyond your academic and professional accomplishments. Your passions, values, and life experiences constitute a significant part of your application.

Demonstrate Leadership Potential:

The college looks for candidates with demonstrated potential for leadership. Applicants can highlight instances from their professional and personal life where they led a team, or made a significant impact. The ability to lead in diverse settings is particularly valued.

Showcase International Exposure:

Applicants with international exposure through work or personal experiences stand out in the admission process. Being comfortable with diversity and possessing a global outlook is highly valued. Highlighting these experiences and the learnings they fostered can enhance your application.

Articulate Career Goals:

Successful applicants advise that you should be able to articulate your career goals coherently. The university values applicants with a clear vision of what they want to achieve professionally and how an MBA from INSEAD fits into these plans.

Prepare for the GMAT:

Though the GMAT is just one part of the application, a good score can strengthen your application. Successful applicants suggest consistent preparation, using official guides and simulating the test environment for practice.

Engage with the INSEAD Community:

Interacting with current students and alumni or attending INSEAD events can provide valuable insights into the school culture and expectations. These interactions can also aid in tailoring your application to highlight aspects that resonate with the college’s values.

What are the available Insead University scholarships for Indian Students?

There are more than 150 scholarship funds available, demonstrating INSEAD’s commitment to promoting academic diversity and talent. The average scholarship amount is substantial, standing at €21,100, indicating the considerable financial assistance students can expect to receive.

As per the latest data from the official website, 36% of participants in the MBA programme receive scholarships.

Let’s delve deeper into some of these opportunities:

INSEAD-Syngenta MBA Scholarships for Developing Country Leaders:

This scholarship, generously funded by Syngenta, a leading global agribusiness, aims to support emerging leaders from developing countries, including India. Recipients can receive awards up to €22,500.

INSEAD Diversity Scholarships:

To uphold the school’s principle of diversity, these scholarships are awarded based on the student’s nationality, academic background, and gender, among other factors. Indian students, especially those contributing to the class’s diversity, can significantly benefit from these scholarships.

INSEAD Indian Alumni Scholarships:

Specifically meant for students from the Indian Subcontinent, these scholarships consider the applicant’s financial need and merit.

INSEAD Alumni Fund (IAF) Women’s Scholarship(s):

To promote gender parity in the MBA programme, INSEAD offers multiple women’s scholarships funded by the IAF. Female students from India can apply and benefit from these scholarships.

Here is a summary of the scholarships available to Indian students at INSEAD:

  Scholarship Description Amount (€)
INSEAD-Syngenta MBA Scholarships for Developing Country Leaders For emerging leaders from developing countries including India Up to € 22,500
INSEAD Diversity Scholarships Awarded based on nationality, academic background, gender, etc. € 10 000 to €30 000
INSEAD Indian Alumni Scholarship For students from the Indian Subcontinent, considering the financial need and merit Up to €25,000
INSEAD Alumni Fund (IAF) Women’s Scholarship(s) For promoting gender parity in the MBA programme £5,000 – £15,000

How to get into Insead University from India?

Getting into INSEAD University from India requires careful planning and diligent preparation. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to apply to INSEAD University through TC Global:

Step 1: Research and Choose the Right Program

Start by exploring the different programmes offered at INSEA. Look into the curriculum, specializations, and career opportunities associated with each programme. You can reach out to the experts at TC Global by scheduling a counselling session to determine which programme aligns best with your goals.

Step 2: Access the TC Global Student Portal

Visit and log in to the TC Global Student Portal. This portal will be your central hub for managing your application process.

Step 3: Update Your Profile

After logging in, update your profile within the TC Global Student Portal. Ensure that your educational and professional background, as well as your study plans, are accurately reflected. This information will assist TC Global in providing tailored recommendations.

Step 4: Select INSEAD University and the Desired Programme

Within the TC Global Student Portal, find the dedicated page for INSEAD University. This page will provide comprehensive information about the university and its programmes. Consider your profile and preferences, and click on each programme to obtain a detailed overview. TC Global offers free access to this information by signing up.

Step 5: Gain Insights from TC Global Insights

TC Global Insights is a valuable resource for obtaining the latest updates on countries and industries. It also provides in-depth reviews of top universities, including INSEAD. Utilize the search option to find specific research related to INSEAD’s programmes, teaching methodology, and other relevant aspects. These insights will enhance your understanding of how INSEAD designs its courses.

Step 6: Schedule a Session and Begin the Application Process

Once you have gathered all the necessary information and shortlisted your desired programme, schedule a counselling session with a TC Global Relationship Member. They will guide you through the application process and the key documents you require. The TC Global Student Portal will serve as a comprehensive platform to track application deadlines, checklists, tests, and monitor the progress of all your applications. Throughout this process, your Relationship Member will provide personalized support and guidance.

By partnering with TC Global, you can receive the assistance you need to maximize your chances of getting into INSEAD University from India. Good luck with your application!

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