Why Study Philosophy?

We’ve all had our existential moments in our lives – where we may have questioned the purpose of our existence.

But, if you find yourself thinking a lot about life’s philosophies and would love to spend your life reading thinkers and philosophers, then studying the subject may be for you.

Here’s what we’ll look at today

  • What does a degree in philosophy offer?
  • Skills required to master philosophy course
  • Top 10 universities to study philosophy
  • Graduate opportunities

What does a degree in philosophy offer?

To study philosophy is to find a connection between different ideas and concepts and to explicate these connections in a more logical and resonated way. Studying philosophy will provide the individual with the fundamental ideas of truth about themselves, the world around them and also the relationship that they share with everyone else. The philosopher will always probe into things and find an answer for the most fundamental issues of life, and all fields of inquiry are open to the philosopher’s refinement, be it an ethicist or a metaphysician or a philosopher of science.

Through the unique way of engaging with the concepts and the intellectual activity, philosophy makes a critical contribution to educational enterprises. Academic philosophy is divided into different disciplines of study to make it more concrete and systematic. Studying philosophy will make you aware of your surroundings like never before.

There are seven branches of philosophy, and they are as follows :

  • Axiology:This is the study of the nature of value and valuation
  • Logic Philosophy:This discusses the nature and types of logic
  • Metaphysics:This is the study of the fundamental nature of reality
  • Epistemology: This looks at the nature, origin, and limits of human knowledge
  • Aesthetics:This is what talks about the study of beauty and taste
  • Political Philosophy: This is the government addressing questions about the nature, scope, and legitimacy of public agents and institutions
  • Ethics Philosophy: This deals with what is right and wrong in human behaviour
  • Skills required to master philosophy course
    • Communication Skills
    • Critical Reasoning
    • Research and Investigation Skills
    • Design and Planning Skills
    • Facility with Arguments
    • Information Management
    • Management and Administration Skills
    • Inter-personal skills
    • Problem-Solving Skills
    • Be open to new ideas and ways of thinking.
    • Distinguish nuanced differences between views and find common ground

    Top 10 universities to study philosophy

    Here are the top 10 universities globally to study philosophy according to the Q.S. ranking :

    Serial No. University Country
    1 New York University (NYU) New York City, United States
    2 Rutgers University–New Brunswick New Brunswick, United States
    3 University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, United States
    4 University of Oxford Oxford, United Kingdom
    5 The Australian National University Canberra, Australia
    6 The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Houghton Street, London, GB, London, United Kingdom
    7 University of Cambridge University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
    8 Harvard University Harvard University, Cambridge, United States
    9 King’s College London London, United Kingdom
    10 Princeton University Princeton, United States

    Various courses offered in philosophy by universities are :

      • Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy [B.A. Programme]
      • Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Philosophy [BA Hons]
      • Master of Arts [MA] in Philosophy
      • Master of Arts (Hons) in Philosophy [MA Hons]
      • Master of Philosophy in Philosophy [M. Phil]
      • Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy [Ph.D.]

    An undergraduate degree in philosophy is offered as a B.A and BA Hons course in various universities for a duration of three years. After completing the undergraduate program in Philosophy, you can aim for a two-year master’s program with a specialisation in Axiology, Ethics Philosophy, Political Philosophy and Epistemology. There are also doctorate and M.Phil. courses in philosophy offered by prestigious universities.

    Here’s a look at some important contents that are part of a philosophy curriculum:

        • Inductive Logic
        • Logic
        • Epistemology
        • Moral Philosophy
        • Logic and Scientific Method
        • Problems of Philosophy
        • Ethics and Philosophy of Religion
        • Hume: Theory of Causation
        • Plato: Knowledge and Opinion
        • Spinoza: Substance
        • Leibnitz : Theory of Monads
        • Philosophy of Language
        • Theories of Causation
        • Theories of Reality

    What do philosophy graduates do?

    According to the U.K. higher secondary education data, most philosophy graduates have taken up teaching as their first choice of work. Marketing and associate professionals are the next most preferred work, followed by finance and investment analysts, advisers, and business sales executives.

    Here are some career options and jobs after graduating in Philosophy

          • H.R. executive
          • Sales Executive
          • Teacher
          • Research Consultant
          • Marketing Consultant
          • Data Analyst
          • PR & Advertising Executive
          • Social Worker
          • Civil service fast streamer
          • Psychotherapist
          • Solicitor
          • Recruitment consultant
          • Lawyer
          • Systems analyst
          • Cultural affairs officer
          • Technical writer
          • Critic.

    Hope this helps in bringing you closer to the subject of your choice. Log on to TC Global’s student portal and know more about courses and programmes.

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