Careers in STEM – A Guide

Global Ed

With technology defining the way we live, STEM careers have assumed center stage. Economies around the world are now, more than ever, in need of people skilled in the science, technology, and mathematics (STEM) fields, along with critical thinking and collaboration.  Many schools, recognizing this importance, are now implementing STEM programmes early on, in order to prepare children for future careers and also better their attitudes towards the fields.

What careers are in stem?

In an effort to bring you the best guides on careers, we’ve outlined some career paths in STEM, and the best places to study the related subjects.



Astronomy teaches the science of the universe through physics and chemistry. Courses in Calculus, Astrophysics, Astronomical Techniques and Mechanics are  helpful in this field.

According to the QS Rankings, here are the top 10 universities in the world for astronomy

S. No University Name Location
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) U.S.A
2. Stanford University U.S.A
3. Harvard University U.S.A
4. University of Cambridge U.K
5. University of Oxford U.K
6. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) U.S.A
7. California Institute of Technology (Caltech) U.S.A
8. Princeton University U.S.A
9. ETH Zurich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Switzerland
10. The University of Tokyo Japan


Biology studies the evolution of the living world and its working mechanisms. Some of the high-demand courses which biology students take up are Evolution, Nanobiology, Biophysics and Bioinformatics. Though biologists are crucial for academia, they are also actively involved in the advancement of medical science, biotechnology and the pharmaceuticals

The top universities across the globe (QS Rankings 2020) offering specialized courses in biology are

S. No University Name Location
1. Harvard University U.S.A
2. Massachusetts Institute of technology (MIT) U.S.A
3. University of Cambridge U.K
4. Stanford University U.S.A
5. University of Oxford U.K
6. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) U.S.A
7. ETH Zurich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Switzerland
8. Yale University U.S.A
9. California Institute of Technology (Caltech) U.S.A
10. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) U.S.A


Chemistry students take a wide variety of classes ranging from organic and inorganic to physical chemistry. It also requires the students to be well versed in mathematics, statistics and physics. Creative-problem solving, communication and data analysis are the key skills that one should have to succeed in this sphere.

With a lot of the top universities offering both Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes, students have a range  of opportunities to pursue a career in either academia or technical domains like analysis, pharmacology and toxicology.

According to the QS Rankings of 2020, these are the top universities across the world for pursuing a course in chemistry

S. No University Name Location
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) U.S.A
2. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) U.S.A
3. University of Cambridge U.K
4. Stanford University U.S.A
5. Harvard University U.S.A
6. University of Oxford U.K
7. National University of Singapore (NUS) Singapore
8. California Institute of Technology (Caltech) U.S.A
9. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) U.S.A
10. University of Tokyo Japan

Civil Engineering

Civil Engineers are experts when it comes to dealing with built environments, say roads or bridges. A bachelor’s degree serves the purpose for entry-level positions.

The career options available are –

  • Structural Engineers
  • Design Engineers
  • Engineering Managers
  • Geotechnical Engineers

Here are the top colleges for civil engineering according to the QS Ranking 2020

S. No University Name Location
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) U.S.A
2. Delft University of Technology Netherlands
3. Cambridge University U.K
4. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) U.S.A
5. Imperial College of London U.K
6. ETH Zurich Switzerland
7. Poletecnico di Milano Italy
8. EPFL Switzerland
9. National University of Singapore Singapore
10. Tshinghua University China

Computer Science

This field typically requires a bachelor or a masters degree, computer science students study computers and their systems.

The career options available are –

  • Data Scientists
  • Web Developers
  • System Analysts
  • Network Architects

Here’s a list of the best universities in the world for Computer Science according to the QS Rankings, 2020

S. No University Name Location
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) U.S.A
2. Stanford University U.S.A
3. Carnegie Mellon University U.S.A.
4. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) U.S.A
5. University of Oxford U.K
6. Cambridge University UK
7. Harvard University U.S.A
8. EPFL Switzerland
9. ETH Zurich Switzerland
10. University of Toronto Canada

Electrical Engineering

The core job of Electrical Engineers revolves around technical concepts such as power manipulation and circuity. Most of the jobs need at least a bachelor’s degree for entry-level positions.

The career options available to Electrical Engineering students are –

  • Electricians
  • Computer Hardware Engineers

The top universities in the world for Electrical Engineering according to QS Rankings 2020

S. No University Name Location
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) U.S.A
2. Stanford University U.S.A
3. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) U.S.A.
4. Cambridge University U.K
5. ETH Zurich Switzerland
6. Nanyang Technological University Singapore
7. Imperial College London U.K
8. University of Oxford U.K
9. EPFL Switzerland
10. Harvard University U.S.A.

Environmental Science

By blending biology, chemistry and meteorology, environmental science undertakes the study of the environment and the interaction of humans with it. A bachelor’s degree is sufficient for entry-level positions in this field.

The career options available to the students of Environmental Science are –

  • Environmental Engineers
  • Environmental Scientists

Best universities in the world for Environmental Science (QS Rankings 2020)

S. No University Name Location
1. Stanford University U.S.A
2. Harvard University U.S.A
3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) U.S.A
4. University of Oxford U.K.
5. ETH Switzerland
6. University of Cambridge U.K.
7. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) U.S.A.
8. Wageningan University and Research Netherlands
9. Imperial College London U.K
10. Tshinghua University China

Industrial Engineering

This job profile needs at least a bachelor’s degree for entry-level positions. Moreover, these experts work on complex processes, systems and organizations.

The career opportunities available to the students of Industrial Engineering are –

  • Heath and Safety Engineers
  • Logisticians

Best universities in the world for Industrial Engineering (QS Rankings 2020) are –

S. No University Name Location
1. Massachusetts Institute of technology (MIT) U.S.A
2. Stanford University U.S.A
3. University of Cambridge U.K
4. Harvard University U.S.A.
5. Delft University of Technology Netherlands
6. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) U.S.A.
7. Imperial College London U.K
8. University of Oxford U.K
9. Politecnico di Milano Italy
10. University of Michigan Ann-Arbor U.S.A.

Information Systems

This field requires a bachelors degree, and the main task is to store, collect and distribute information.

The career options available to the students of Information Systems are –

  • Database Administrators
  • Information System Managers
  • IT Consultants

Best universities in the world or Information Systems in 2020 (QS Rankings)

S. No University Name Location
1. Massachusetts Institute of technology (MIT) U.S.A
2. Stanford University U.S.A
3. Carnegie Mellon University U.S.A
4. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) U.S.A.
5. University of Oxford U.K
6. Cambridge University U.K
7. Harvard University U.S.A.
8. EPFL Switzerland
9. ETH Zurich Switzerland
10. University of Toronto Canada.


Math offers both theoretical and practical roles. While math professionals such as professors deal with high-level theories, financial analysts and economists use it in a more practical sense. Most of the professions in this domain need a bachelor or a masters degree.

Best universities in the world for math in 2020 (QS Rankings)

S. No University Name Location
1. Massachusetts Institute of technology (MIT) U.S.A
2. Harvard University U.S.A
3. Stanford University U.S.A
4. University of Cambridge U.K.
5. University of Oxford U.K
6. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) U.S.A.
7. Princeton University U.S.A.
8. ETH Zurich Switzerland
9. University of California, Los Angeles U.S.A.
10. New York University U.S.A.

Mechanical Engineering

Most professions in this field need at least a bachelor’s level qualification for entry-level positions. These experts study options and systems in motion.

The career opportunities available to students of Mechanical Engineering are –

  • Mechanics
  • Maintenance Engineers
  • Technicians

Best universities in the world for Mechanical Engineering in 2020 (QS Rankings)

S. No University Name Location
1. Massachusetts Institute of technology (MIT) U.S.A
2. Stanford University U.S.A
3. University of Cambridge U.K.
4. Harvard University U.S.A
5. Delft University of Technology Netherlands
6. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) U.S.A.
7. Imperial College London U.K.
8. University of Oxford U.K.
9. Politecnico di Milano Italy
10. University of Michigan Ann-Arbor U.S.A.

Some Career Opportunities

It is always pertinent to research about your specific field of interest to arrive at the right fit. The most important determining factors would be education and location.

Data Analyst

Data Analysts help businesses make crucial decisions by gathering, organizing and analyzing data. They can work in a wide range of business settings right from marketing and product development to financial environments. No matter which field they are engaged in, their services are crucial for organizations to grow and develop.


Through radiological imaging procedures like X-rays and CT scanning, radiologists detect and cure diseases and injuries. They generally work with nuclear medical technicians to operate and maintain radiological equipment.

Clinical Informaticist

A clinical informaticist utilizes his skills to combine computer and informational science with health care management, thus boosting the efficacy of the medical environment. This technology integration not only immensely assists healthcare professions but also enhances workflow, gives robust treatment outcomes and improves the overall patient and provider relationships.

Network Security Engineer

These experts are in charge of integrating and securing all of the computer databases in an organization warding off cyber attacks, hackers and intruders. They also equip the firm to face natural disasters, infiltration and other risks. Moreover, they work towards mitigation of additional security risks.

System Administrator

System Administrators are entrusted with the responsibility of installing and supporting the computer systems of a business. They also configure the user settings for WAN, LAN and intranets. Through their impeccable services, they ensure the smooth operation of computer systems.

Network Architects

Though their core concern is to design and build a network’s infrastructure, they may occasionally indulge in troubleshooting tasks. Their work profile is well suited to a diverse range of work settings, including the business and the medical fields. They also build small network systems besides the global and multinational ones.

Mechanical Engineer

Their entire work profile revolves around electromagnetic energy converting machines say combustion engines, gas and steam turbines and many more which generate power. Not only do they plan and design them, but also develop and give them a final shape.

Software Engineer

Software Engineers are the masterminds behind computer software. They apply mathematical and computer science principles to reach the desired outcome. Operating systems and games are just a fraction of the software that these professionals are capable of developing.


In the present scenario, the importance of this work profile has increased manifold. Epidemiologists study the causes and patterns of diseases, illness and infections in humans. They are public health care workers who work relentlessly to spread awareness about and mitigate the causes of diseases and illness. They also lend a helping hand in developing appropriate policies.

Computer Scientist

Computer Scientists solve critical problems with the help of technological applications. They work on a wide range of tasks right from writing and programming software and developing websites to building applications for smart devices. They mainly focus on the validation of mathematical models which are vital for computer-to-network and user-computer interactions.

What stem careers are in demand?

For every two STEM jobs available, there is only one efficient expert who can fill the vacancy. Thus, the demand for these experts is pretty high, and if you have the required skills, you can surely make it big in this field. STEM jobs offer competitive pay, great work environments, job stability and immense growth potential.

Employers are on a constant lookout for science, engineering, mathematics and technology professionals who have the skills and the zeal to drive innovation. However, most of them are already out of the market, and thus the search never ends.

75% of the growing job occupations in the United States require STEM skills. Though the supply of available STEM talent is drying up, the market is full of job opportunities.

The Bottom Line

With the growth in industries calling for STEM knowledge at a rapid pace, students interested in this area can benefit immensely from the job stability and higher than average compensations. If you have any queries related to the same, feel free to reach out to TC Global.

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Global Ed


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