TC Global Learning
Hosted by
TC Global
What are the TC Global Learning Workshops?
The world of education has been disrupted by the complete shut down of classrooms and campuses around the world. We are resilient and our thirst for knowledge has propelled us to a very quick transition into remote learning via various online platforms! Since the changes on delivery for both domestic and international learning are here to stay as social distancing measures are necessary to contain the spread of the virus, we at TC Global, wanted to give you the opportunity to join this new online learning environment prepared!
Our TC Global learning workshops have been designed with you are the center of it! All or product workshops have been designed to show you that the remote learning experience can be a rich one! Online learning gives you flexibility in your learning hours all from the comfort from your own home! Our new digital infrastructure ensures you don’t miss out on vital opportunities to have a meaningful conversation and move along on your Global Ed journey but also stay safe.
Our Learning platform